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‘Suspended’ tags for Defenders, Medics, and Rescuers
до дня збройних сил україни 6 грудня

Tags have already been ‘suspended’
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At RBTNK, we believe that the distance between people can be shortened through small actions and little things. We also know how important it is to bring joy and support — especially to those who protect us. After all, the most powerful superpower in the world for RBTNK is Empathy. That’s why, for Defender’s Day, we launched ‘suspended’ military tags and together with our community, we ‘paid forward’ 150 gifts for Defenders. Read more about how it went in our blog.
After we gifted all the ‘suspended’ dog tags, we continued to receive requests from both those who wanted to ‘pay it forward’ and from soldiers who wanted to receive them. So, we decided to make ‘suspended’ military tags a permanent initiative. This way, Volunteers, Journalists, and Employee (the rear) can come together to thank and support Defenders, Medics, and Rescuers (the frontline).

How it works

If you’re in the rear.
Click the button below, pay for one, two, or as many military tags as you want, add a message for those who will receive them in the comments — and we’ll send the gifts to the soldiers in our community.

Suspend a gift

If you’re on the frontline
Click the button below, go to the  page on Instagram, send the code word ‘Empathy’ in a direct message — and we’ll reply with your number. Once a month, we’ll raffle off all the military tags that have been ‘suspend’ by the rear among those who received their numbers.

Drop a message on Instagram